11NCEE is the U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. It is hosted by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) every 4 years in conjunction with federal and local partners.
This milestone conference brings together professionals from a broad range of disciplines: architecture, civil and structural engineering, seismology, geology, geophysics, geotechnical engineering, business, public policy, the social sciences, regional planning, emergency response, and regulation.
This year's confernce will be held in Downtown Los Angeles June 25 - 29, 2018. The theme of this year's conference is integrating science, engineering, & policy and will feature:
- 67 Technical Topic Sessions spanning a variety of topics and disciplines;
- 43 Special Sessions, each with a unique interactive format and topic;
- 200+ Posters on display;
- Ten (10) Five-in-Five (5-in-5) Sessions of 12-15 presentations each;
- Nine (9) Concurrent Theme Sessions;
- 40 teams competing in the 15th Annual Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition;
- Plenary speakers added covering seismic hazard, risk, and policy;
- EERI’s 70th Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon; and
- Exciting social and networking events all week highlighted by a special reception hosted by Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI)